After the sea rose
Delrey / 2015
Auteur·rice : M.F.W. Curran
First Lines:
Under a white sun, we sailed across a submerged world. Below these waters were the towns, fields and hills of our ancestors. The ruins of the old world formed islands that were dangerous for we who fished the seas around the Isles of Sheffield.
Before us, rising silently from the black water like giant robots, was a field of old electricity pylons. To reach the best fishing grounds, we had to navigate this obstacle.
Year 2041. Half of Great Britain has vanished under the sea. Young Pete, on board Orpheum Lass, is compelled with the rest of the crew to stop on Cannock, a mysterious island inhabited by a terrifying population who turned the place into a hunting ground.
Extracts suggested (4ème, 3ème):
#1: Chapter 1
#2: ‘Big Joe rubbed his beard’ p11 ‘Trust me Pete: you don’t want to land on Cannock’ p13.
#3: Chapter 4
#4: ‘Under the moonlight, we walked’ p60 ‘But that’s all I can do.’ p62.
#5: ‘The Inside Out Men hissed as one, lifting their weapons aggressively’ p66 ‘We were so close to escaping the Island’ p68
#6: Epilogue
Extract suggested (seconde):
#1: Chapter 1
#2: ‘Big Joe rubbed his beard’ p11 ‘Trust me Pete: you don’t want to land on Cannock’ p13.
#3: Chapter 4
#4: Chapter 7
#5: ‘And then Ronald Dimbleby called for us to return downstairs’ p39 ‘I felll to the floor and into darkness’ p41
#6: ‘Help me! Oh dear god, help me, I can’t move!’p42 ‘a big smile on his cherubic face’p45
#7: ‘Dont’t worry I will save you’ p48 ‘It’s the Devil’s’p50
#8: ‘Under the moonlight, we walked’ p60 ‘But that’s all I can do.’ p62.
#9: ‘The Inside Out Men hissed as one, lifting their weapons aggressively’ p66 ‘Swim to the boat, you fool!’ p68
#10: Epilogue
Pistes / Activities to participate in the festival:
P/O (Max: 3 minutes)
As a survivor, Pete decides to relate his experience to prevent another disastrous shipwreck on Cannock’s shores. He prepares a speech and reads it to other sailors during safety meetings on the docks.
As a survivor, Pete decides to design a poster with images and catchy sentences warning about the dangers of landing on Cannock. This poster is designed to be displayed on the docks to warn the sailors.
Niveau Lycée : seconde