Albert in the garden of doom
Orion Children'Books / 2015
Auteur·rice : Phil Earle
Illustrateur·rice : Jamie Little
Les premières lignes/ The first lines
Albert (Albie to his friends) LOVED football. Morning or night, awake or asleep, he thought of nothing else. Albie loved spending all day in his garden, even if it was raining. He practised his dribbling and pretended he was playing in the Cup Final in front of ninety thousand fans. « Here comes Albie », he’d chant. « He goes past two defenders, sees the keeper off his line and shoots GOOOOAAALLL ! ». Albie never got bored of scoring goals. He only stopped when the worst thing possible happened…when he kicked his ball into the GARDEN OF DOOM !
Contenu / Contents
Albie is a young boy who loves football. He can’t stop practising either with his friends or by himself. The only trouble is when Albie kicks his ball into the Garden of Doom, that is the neighbour’s garden. This garden is the most frightening garden ever ! It is a jungle and Albie never dares finding his balls in this garden because the owner of the garden, Mr Creaky, is even more frightening than the garden itself !
This short and spooky but funny story about football is a great way to speak about prejudice, sport, sharing a passion and friendship between young and old people. A greatly illustrated and written book