All join in
Little Brown book group / 1991
Auteur·rice : Quentin Blake
Les premières lignes/ The first lines :
When Sandra plays the trumpet
It makes a lovely sound
And Mervyn on his drum-kit
Can be heard from miles around
Stephanie is brilliant when she plays the violin
But the very best of all is when
Contenu / Contents :
This book is a rumbustious, rollicking and above all noisy collection of seven exuberant poems, perfect for chanting aloud, that are brilliantly illustrated by the incomparable Quentin Blake. (from : amazon.co.uk)
Pistes / Activities to participate in the festival :
1erdegré/6e/5e : Describe your favorite illustration in All Join In by Quentin Blake. Send a video of your description.
5e/4e : Create a pop up version of one of the pages in the book. Write a short text to explain why you chose this page.
4e/3e : Create rollicking rhymes in the All Join In way. Illustrate your rhymes.
Autres pistes tous niveaux : Mise en scène, mime, théâtralisation de tout ou partie de l’album avec envoi d’une vidéo.
14,95 dollars
Album sélectionné pour les 1er et 2nd degré