Along a long road
Litlle Brown and Company / 2011
Auteur·rice : Frank Viva
Les premières lignes/ The first lines :
« Along a long road
Going up
Around a small town and down
Into a tunnel
And out
Over a bridge
One, two, three …»
Contenu / Content :
In this greatly illustrated and inspiring book by Frank Viva, we pedal with an anonymous cyclist through towns, past stores, over a bridge, by the sea, through Northern American settings. All along the way, we travel with the cyclist and discover people, animals, the Northern American countyside through interestingly chosen details.
The book is created as a continuously illustrated map with an enormous amount of smartly chosen retro-like illustrations. The text is simple, there are not many words and the language is rhythmic. The colours make it a great children’s book to observe and read with the youngests and the eldests alike to lead to many discussions about cycling and Northern American landscapes.
Prix : 11,66 €
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