Birthday Monsters
Workman Publishing / 1993
Auteur·rice : Sandra Boynton
You’re not awake. It’s 6 o’clock ? You hear a ring. You hear knock knock. You hear the door come crashing down. THE BIRTHDAY MONSTERS ARE IN TOWN ! Five birthday
monsters barge right in and yell, «IT’S MORNING ! LET’S BEGIN ! » They rush you down before you’re ready and use your breakfast as confetti. « OH LOOK » they shout. « IT’S
Texte lu par Brian Harris : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMyD3JnNOPU
Contenu / Contents:
The birthday child looks very much like a hippopotamus. Her friends, the birthday monsters, arrive just after dawn, bring presents, make a wonderful mess and clean it up. (New York Times Book Review)
A lively rhyming text, excellent book to read out loud with colorful illustrations.
Pistes / Activities to participate in the festival :
1er degré - 6e - 5e:
1 - At the end of the book, we can see that the birthday monsters wrote a birthday card. Create a birthday card and imagine what they wrote.
2 - Turn Birthday Monsters into a comics. Use the pictures in the book, create the speech bubbles and make all the characters speak !
3 - How to be a good guest at a birthday party ? Make a list of rules children should follow when they are invited to a birthday party.
Autres pistes tous niveaux :
Mise en scène, mime, théâtralisation de tout ou partie de l’album avec envoi d’une vidéo.
6,95 dollars
Album sélectionné pour le 1er degré et le niveau 6ème-5ème