Even Superheroes have bad days

Even Superheroes have bad days

Even Superheroes have bad days

Sterling Children’s Books / 2016

Auteur·rice : Shelly Becker


Les premières lignes / the first lines:

“When superheroes don’t get their way, when they’re sad, when they’re mad, when they have a bad day…
… they could use super-powers to kick, punch, and pound. They could shriek – they could screech with an ear-piercing sound.”

Contenu / content :

Just like everyone, superheroes have bad days. They could use super-powers to cause a big scene. But they can resist the super-temptation to do so. Instead they choose to burn off steam on a bike or a hike or to help others.
Even Superheroes have Bad Days is a colorful picture-book. The illustrations are so lively and so is the rhyming text.

Prix : 11,87 €

Niveaux école / collège (cycle 3 – début de cycle 4)
