


Atheneum Books for Young Readers / 2012

Auteur·rice : Jennifer Bradbury


Les premières lignes / The first lines

The nose of the seat bit into my shoulder as the toe clip scraped the back of my thigh. I wrestled the bike through the dorm’s gaping front doors, the derailleur cable snagging on the knob as I stepped inside. I lurched, swore, and hoped none of the half­dozen people hanging around the sweltering lobby were watching. I tried to block out the lingering smells of puke and cheap beer as I headed for the row of mailboxes along the far wall.

Contenu/ Contents

Chris and his best friend Win have decided to go on a two-month-long cross-country bike trek, from West Virginia to Seattle, Washington State, during the summer before they start college. But Win doesn’t come back home…

The story is told by Chris as the new term starts, and through a series of flash-backs the reader follows the two boys on their trip, a journey that will undoubtedly change the lives of many people.  Chris’s memories of this coming-of-age experience are intertwined with an FBI investigation to find missing Win…

Friendship, adventure, suspense and mystery…A real page-turner!

LELE : Meeting other people, love and friendship / Travel, initiatory journeys / Quest of identity


$8.72, 17 € (prix librairie)

Niveau 3e / lycée

2016, 2019